CriptoSwaps Competition Details

15 people who purchase the most Weecoins (WCS) by December 31 will win amazing prizes.

The person who makes the most purchases of Weecoins (WCS) by keeping 50 WCS in their wallet during the competition period will win a prize of $8,000. The 2nd person with the most WCS will win $4,000 and the 3rd person with the most purchases will win $2,000.

1. $ 30,000 for the person who wins the prize , 2.$ 20,000 for the person who wins the prize, 3. in order for a person to win the prize, he must invest $ 10,000. The other 12 people who have won the prize by entering the ranking must have invested a minimum of $500 in Weecoins in order to win the prize.

To participate in the stock exchange competition, it is enough to have only an approved Weeswaps wallet. The competition will end on the evening of December 31 at 23:59 and the other 12 contestants who failed to enter the top 3 in the competition, where the people in the top 15 will win prizes, will win the $500 prize. Provided that you keep 50 WCS in your wallet during the competition, you can buy more coins by using the other coins you receive in the trading process and increase your chances of winning.The wcs accumulated by the participants who have not left 50 Wcs in their wallet will be reset and they will start the competition from the beginning.

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